Woodland Hills & Chatsworth Criminal Charges Defense Attorney

Woodland Hills & Chatsworth Criminal Defense Lawyer and DUI Attorney

Criminal Law Firm – DUI, Expungement. Petty Theft Crimes, Shoplifting, Arrest Bench Warrant, Sex Crimes, Theft Crimes, Temporary Restraining Order , Domestic Violence, Assault, Rape Drug Offenses Etc

Most experienced Woodland Hills and Chatsworth Criminal Defense Lawyer  know that being charged with a crime under California criminal laws can be a devastating experience.. It can have enormous social, financial, physical, professional, mental and emotional repercussions on people. That’s why a proactive, discreet and competent legal representation like the one our law firm can provide is essential.

Practice Areas

 The right Law firms handl any type of criminal charges such as:

  • Fraud
  • Sex Crimes
  • Credit Card Fraud
  • Identity Fraud
  • White Collar
  • Probation Violation
  • Prostitution Solicitation
  • Restraining Violation
  • Petty Theft
  • Car JAcking
  • Drunk Driving
  • DUI
  • Police Brutality
  • Domestic violence
  • Child Molestation
  • Child Abuse
  • Elder Abuse
  • Illegal Gun Possession
  • Drug Trafficking
  • Drug Possession

If you or  loved have been accused or being investigated for any type of crime call now.


The Three Strikes provision in California is an important feature to understand when  charged with a crime in the state. Criminal laws are subject to constant updating, changes and revisions. As a knowledgeable California attorney with decades of experience, we can provide expert legal advice.

You’re not a “third striker” if third offense is not a serious felony
Only serious or violent crimes are considered as felonies
The 25+ years to life penalty is applicable only if your third strike conviction is for serious felony
Travel restrictions are a consequence of felony conviction
Restrictions on going to certain places like malls/schools/restaurants may be enforced during probation for certain crimes like sexual abuse, child sexual abuse etc
If given probation,  you may be precluded from moving out of the county

Woodland Hills & Chatsworth DUI Attorney – CA Drunk Driving Laws

California DUI (Driving Under the Influence) laws fall under Vehicle Code sections 23152 (a) and (b). These statutes are severe and strictly enforced throughout the state.

Though it’s a common practice for many law firms across the country to offer free consultations, it would be helpful to select a lawyer from a firm like ours who has proven experience and success rate in dealing with DUI cases in California. The laws are subject to change and procedures differ from county to county and court to court.

DUI/DWI Terms 

DUI refers to Driving Under the Influence  (used interchangeably when alcohol or drugs are used.), DWI means Driving While Intoxicated or Drunk Driving, and  DUID refers specifically to Driving Under the Influence of Drugs.

Some important areas where DUI (alcohol) and DUID differ could be that in DUID:

  • Sobriety test or roadside check led by a Drug Recognition Expert (DRE)
  • No benchmark number as in blood alcohol content test (0.8% maximum)
  • More difficult for a prosecutor to absolutely prove DUID as compared to DUI (alcohol)

Understand the Drunk Driving DMV Hearings

The Department of Motor Vehicles holds its own hearings apart from the court hearings in DUI cases. The proceedings and protocols for both are quite different. The DMV hearing is presided over by an official from the DMV, while the DUI cases go through regular prosecution and trial if negotiations fail.

As an experienced Woodland Hills attorney with decades of experience, we can represent you in both. Evidence and information from DMV hearings can be used at trial. Winning at DMV hearings means retaining your driving privileges and also helps you get a better deal in plea bargains for your DUI case.

Get Connected With A Woodland Hills and Chatworth Defense Attorneys for DUI, Expungement. Petty Theft Crimes, Arrest Bench Warrant, Sex Crimes, Theft Crimes, Temporary Restraining Order , Domestic Violence, Assault, Rape Drug Offenses cases Etc

When charged with a crime in Woodland Hills, it’s essential that you get immediate and competent legal assistance from an experienced firm. They will have in-depth knowledge and a proven track record in delivering successful outcomes.  Call 818-877-4356 for help.
